Grey Towers Connecting with Community Non-Profits
11:30 AM - 2:00 PM
Learn about eight Pike County outstanding non-profits: what they do, how to volunteer, and how to access their services. Lunch and desserts included in admission price. Tickets online or at door range from $12 to $22. www.greytowers/events
Historic Women of Milford Lunch & Learn
11:30 AM - 2:00 PM
Learn about the historic women of Milford and the contributions they made to Milford and Pike County. Matt Osterberg. a local historian who has published five regional photographic history books, will present with Q&A. Hot lunch and desserts provided. ...
March Mixer
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Join us Thursday, March 13th at Runaway Train Brewery for an evening of making connections and supporting a Chamber Member!!
Dixieland Music History and Performance Lunch & Learn
11:30 AM - 2:00 PM
Welcome spring as Doug Smith and the Dixieland Band provide an opportunity to listen to upbeat performances featuring typical Dixieland instruments while learning about the history of true American music. Hot lunch and desserts provided. Ticket ...